Turning Your Mess Into Your Message featuring Nicholas Bayerle

Nicholas and Amanda had the honor of speaking at Funnel Hacking Live this past weekend. They shared their message about making their mess their message. Take a listen to get a deeper feel for what brought Nicholas to follow his calling. Timestamped Show Notes: [01:40] Making Your Mess Your Message [02:10] Get the Most […]
Solving Your Problem featuring Steve Sims

Intro: Today, Nicholas is interviewing Steve Sims, founder of Bluefish, the world’s first luxury concierge that delivers the highest level of personalized travel, transportation, and cutting-edge entertainment services to corporate executives, celebrities, and professional athletes. This is a great podcast to listen to if you want to hear the raw truth! Timestamped Show Notes: […]
087: From $12,500 to Millions with Timothy Sykes

Intro: Today, Nicholas interviews stock trader and full-time teacher Timothy Sykes. Timothy took $12,500 and made it well over a million dollars, and has traded with that in the penny stock market, and has created a social following. Featured by many business and financial media outlets, traveling to over 80 countries, Timothy is always on […]
086: BDB Live Special Episode

BDB Live 3.0 taking place in San Diego, CA June 14-16, 2019. Early bird tickets are live until February 8th. This is an event you won’t want to miss. Head over to BDBLive.com for your golden ticket. Timestamped Show Notes: [02:15] Best of the Best [03:35] BDB Live Early Bird [08:43] Build a Plan […]
Network Marketing Success Story featuring Alex Morton

Today, Nicholas is interviewing Alex Morton of The Alex Morton Mindset. While still a student at Arizona State University, Alex got his first job in real estate. From there, Alex became a network marketing success story, making his first $1 million dollars by the age of 25, which got him a cover story in Rolling […]
Billy Gene is Marketing featuring Billy Gene

Nicholas goes to San Diego and interviews Billy Gene, the marketing guru. Billy Gene talks about growing up and being blessed enough to attend a private, Catholic school. He went from almost graduating from UC San Diego to now being one of the top marketers. Billy shares stories about his life, shares why he thinks […]
Birthday Episode

Nicholas talks about investing in yourself and surrounding yourself with like minded people. On his birthday, Nicholas asks you to take a look at what you want out of life and how you can make it happen. BDB Live 3.0 is coming up, so be ready for the tickets to release on February 5, 2019! […]
Started from the Bottom with Jarrod Glandt

Nicholas flew all the way out to Miami to interview VP of Sales for Grant Cardone, Jarrod Glandt. Jarrod initially struggled with finding his calling. He was sleeping on a blow up mattress, looking for a way to make ends meet. After many unsuccessful tries, Jarrod finally landed a job with Grant Cardone at the […]
Balancing Act as a Power Couple

In this episode of the Power Couple Podcast, Nicholas and Amanda Bayerle talk about being a power couple, and looking within when there is an imbalance of goals, ambitions, and desires to be more and do more in life. Take a listen at the raw truth spilled by our favorite couple, and make sure to […]
Unleash Your Obsession

In this episode, Nicholas talks about how to build a dream that turns into an obsession. He goes into having a goal or passion and becoming obsessed with it to the point that you have to make it happen. Nicholas also invites you to join the January 2019 BDB 30 Day Challenge to help you […]