How To Publish Your Book In 2020 with Chandler Bolt

Chandler Bolt is a self-publishing master who’s built a multi-million company helping people self publish their books. In this week’s episode, we go into depth on the quickest way for you to be able to get your message out there through book format and how to leverage it to generate leads to your business. Timestamped […]
High Performance Morning Routine with Hal Elrod

Hal Elrod died at age 20. Hit head-on by a drunk driver, stopping his heart for 6 minutes. He eventually woke from a coma to be told by doctors that he would never walk again. Then in 2016, Hal nearly died again being diagnosed with a very rare, very aggressive form of cancer. After multiple […]
Why You Should Write A Book With Nicholas Bayerle

This week, Nicholas Bayerle discusses his new book The Modern Day Businessman. Listen to him explain why you too should write a book. Also don’t forget to check out BDB Live for a life changing experience. Timestamped Show Notes: [2:30] New Book Launch [5:04] Principle Of Giving [8:11] Seclusion Is The #1 Killer [10:10] Knowledge […]
Jesse Krieger

The Billion Dollar Body Live speaker Jesse Krieger talks with us today about the pro’s and con’s of traditional book publishing and offers a unique alternative. Jesse Krieger is a two time best selling author as well as CEO and Founder of Lifestyle Entrepreneur. He debunks the common fears and hesitations that can come about […]