Bulletproof Your Mindset with Joost Janssen

Joost Janssen was a former Navy SEAL. After leaving special operations, he started working in Hollywood as a trainer, military adviser, stunt performer, and actor. In this episode, Joost talks about getting through the current economic collapse and how to confidently keep following through high-pressure environments. Timestamped Show Notes: [3:03] Who Is Joost? [5:58] Going […]
Military to Multi-Millionaire With Douglas James

Douglas James is a navy hospital corpsman turned entrepreneur on a mission to change the lives of fellow driven entrepreneurs. In this episode, he discusses his amazing journey of redirecting careers and starting from nothing. Timestamped Show Notes: [1:45] Starting Stages to Success [4:45] Life in the Navy as a Hospital Corpsman [13:45] Separating Personal […]
Navy Seal Secrets to Overcoming Challenges with Brent Loyd

Today Nicholas talks with BDB Elite Member, close friend, and Navy Seal Brent Loyd. Brent shares his story and transformation that he’s gone through in becoming a Navy Seal, imparting the mindset he’s built in overcoming adversity through knowledge and breakthrough. Timestamped: [ 02:58 ] Starting with a Success Mindset [ 06:25 ] Passions […]
Part 2: Navy Seal Mindset Hacks

Get ready for part 2 of this in depth talk with my mentor Joost Janssen. He has accomplished so much in his life and he says it wasn’t talent what got him success, it was hard work. Some of the most talented people in life don’t accomplish much because they simply don’t have the commitment […]