We are back with Power Couple Episode #8! Nicholas and Amanda are sharing with us why they took weeks off of the podcast and what they did during that time that helped them grow and learn more as entrepreneurs, individuals and build stronger relationships with those around them. They cover everything from listeners questions on marriage and envy, to reversing the trust on money issues, to learn how to relax and enjoy in your own time and in your own way!
Timestamped Show Notes
- [ 01:45 ] What is the Billion Dollar Brotherhood
- [ 07:12 ] Entrepreneurs on Vacation
- [ 12:13 ] Reversing Trust
- [ 16:32 ] Power in Knowing Where You Are Going
- [ 19:25 ] Envy
- You have to schedule in rest. It takes about three days of being unplugged before you see the benefits, resting in your own way. The biggest thing you will see is that vacations are worth it and the ROI. You will have a good time connecting with like-minded people and building you’re relationships. It’s good to have fun away from work.
- Envy and jealousy are crippling negative subjects. But it comes down to your perception, logically realized that you can make it into a positive thing. Look at envy and jealousy as a lack mentality, it doesn’t bear fruit and it doesn’t honor you or anyone else. Honor and respect other people and their breakthrough and success, flip it into teaching and applications into your life. When you so focus on other people take action to do what they did to get to where they are. Ask how did they get that and how do I get that? Then come up with a plan of action to prosper in those areas for yourself. Take 100% responsibility.