Ryan Michler, the founder of Order of Man, shares his journey to becoming a better man and building the largest Mens Facebook Group.
Ryan shares his upbringing from having a single mom who brought in two step fathers and why he’s passionate about men being good fathers.
In this episode we talk about:
- The importance of the role fathers/male figures have in boys lives
- Redefining manhood and what the alphamale actually is
- The do’s and don’ts of parenting that you haven’t heard before
- Why men need community with like minded men
- And getting over pity parties
If you’re wanting to become a better and more badass man, this episode is a much listen to.
It’s packed with so many tips, ideas, and real life examples of things you can do today to become a better man in business, in family, and in life.
We dive deep into his entrepreneurial journey, why he thinks Order of Man is successful, and how authenticity of sharing real life struggles brings community.
Ryan gives us a formula for hitting our goals which is:
Accountability + Vulnerability = Results
What I love about this episode is that it emphasizes the importance of bridging the gap between knowledge and application. This is something we preach at The Billion Dollar Body
Quotes from the show:
“We’re giving men permission to be vulnerable” – Ryan Michler
“There is a huge void between what we know we should be doing and what we’re doing” –Ryan Michler
“Leaders go first”- Ryan Michler
Want to connect with Ryan and other like minded men??
He says “The best way to get mentors and connections is to go to events”.
Join us for Billion Dollar Body Live July 14-16 in San Diego where you will do just that. Hangout with Ryan Michler, Cole Hatter, and Jordan Harbinger at the Go-To men’s event this year. Register here
Get in the Facebook group here
Listen to my episode on Order Of Man here
Cheers to looking and feeling like a billion dollars,
Nicholas Bayerle
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