#06 Power Couple Episode: Put on Your Game Face

The 3 dimensional Businessman-2

In this weeks POWER COUPLE episode Amanda gives us insight into her BDB Live 2.0 talk all about the king mentality, how to have confidence in who you are as a man. Both Nicholas and Amanda share with us the learning curve events provide you with and the transformations they had the opportunity to facilitate and witness in many lives of men.


  • [ 01:27 ] BDB Live
  • [ 02:58 ] King Mentality
  • [ 06:00 ] Trust in Your Relationship
  • [ 08:06 ] Encouragement
  • [ 11:52 ] Winning in The Second Half
  • [ 12:24 ] Game Face
  • [ 16:40 ] Believing In Your Business




  • Even when you don’t want to do something you still have to show up. Dig deep and harness the power of who you know you can be to empower yourself to get through stress and mental blocks. Put on your game face. Put on your true self outside of the moment. Don’t allow the circumstances of right now to determine what you do. You create habits that create you. Give up the good for the great, sacrifice the stuff that doesn’t matter.
  • When you hone in on you’re power of focus and train everyday through the mental blocks, strain, and doing hard things, you can get through anything in any situation. If it feels super hard, that’s what you should be doing, always challenge yourself to continue growing and upleveling.



Nicholas and Amanda on instagram!