4 Stages of Life with Nicholas Bayerle


Today host Nicholas Bayerle shares with us a peek into his BDB Live 1.0 talk about the four stages of life. Nicholas covers the four S’s survival, stability, success, and significance. He covers systemization and how to master your relationships. This key training has changed men’s lives and helped them propel their lives after BDB Live.


  • [ 02:26 ] Order of Importance
  • [ 06:17 ] Control
  • [ 08:00 ] Stop Lying to Yourself
  • [ 10:00 ] Selfish
  • [ 12:45 ] Most Negative vs. Most Positive
  • [ 14:45 ] Self Care
  • [ 15:30 ] Commitment



  • Relationship and Business are all dictated by you. Out of everything you can control, like your thoughts and emotions, apply to everything else. You can only control you, everyone can only control them. You can apply this to business, relationships, your health. No one can make you get out of bed, workout, get work done, invest in your marriage. It’s entirely up to you, that’s freedom, you are the only one you can dictate you.
  • You can be the most selfish and benefit people in your circle, communities, in the world. When you execute on things that make you happy, that you are passionate about, you will be fulfilling and performing to the best of your ability, therefore the people around you will be impacted by you being at your best.
  • Commitment is doing what you said you were going to do after the feeling is gone. If you say you are going to do it you actually have to follow through with it and do it. The action of doing will bring you results and that will bring you a feeling that will drive you to follow through with your other commitments.

