Getting Back In Shape And Starting A Business From Scratch In 2021

Welcome to the Billion Dollar Brotherhood Podcast, where your host Nicholas Bayerle will be dropping 3 episodes per week. In this week’s Q&A episode, Nicholas answers questions about building a business from scratch, gaining traction, and getting into fitness. [4:30] Establishing Clients [9:56] Priming For Growth In 2021 [15:15] Building A Business From Scratch [22:40] […]
Boost Your Energy, Immunity, and Performance with Dr. Minkoff

Dr. Minkoff is an alternative healthcare expert, guest lecturer, writer, tv and radio show guest and former radio show host. In this episode, Dr. Minkoff talks about how the things we put into our body affect our mental and physical well being whether it be a simple cavity filling to the kind of water we […]
Unleash Your Full Potential with Anthony Trucks

Anthony Trucks is a retired NFL superstar. He is known for coaching people to make “shift” happen. In this episode, Anthony talks about shifting your identity, nature vs nurture, and the capacity everyone has to be great. TImestamped Show Notes: [2:42] Being On Point With Your Brand [5:10] Getting Away From The Environment You Grew […]
2021 Content Strategies With Mike Dillard

Mike Dillard has built his first million-dollar business by the age of 27. Following that, he has started multiple companies that have collectively produced over $50 million in revenue without outside funding. Now, Mike mentors other entrepreneurs and is developing technologies in the aeroponics industry that will give people around the world access to clean, […]
Rewire Your Brain For Success with Ray Higdon

Ray Higdon is a two time best selling author and a former #1 income earner in a network marketing company that he joined while he was in foreclosure. Ray and his wife now have a coaching company that serves the profession as coaches, speakers, and trainers. In this episode, Ray shares, for the first time, […]
How To Make Viral Content With Brent Pella

Brent Pella is a stand-up comedian whose comedy sketches, celebrity impressions and parody music videos have gained more than 50 million views online and have been featured on MTV, Funny or Die, BroBible, Worldstar HipHop and more. In this episode, Brent talks about not following the traditional route of life and how he made a […]
How I Wrote A Bestselling Book with Nicholas Bayerle

In this episode, Nicholas talks about the value put into his book “The Modern Day Businessman”. For a limited time go over to to get your FREE ebook copy. Timestamped Show Notes: [0:33] Starting A Business [1:14] Wanting To Write A Book [3:02] Giving Value [5:35] Get Your FREE EBook Takeaways: If you want […]
Network Marketing Success Story featuring Alex Morton

Today, Nicholas is interviewing Alex Morton of The Alex Morton Mindset. While still a student at Arizona State University, Alex got his first job in real estate. From there, Alex became a network marketing success story, making his first $1 million dollars by the age of 25, which got him a cover story in Rolling […]